Baseball Wisconsin Yearbook 2018 Preseason Rankings

Here are the 2018 preseason rankings for Madison-area high school baseball teams in the Baseball Wisconsin Yearbook. Also included is their finish in the WIAA state tournament last year.

You can order your copy of the Baseball Wisconsin Yearbook by going here

Full rankings are available at by clicking on the division link.

Division 1

1. Janesville Craig (L-D1 sectional semifinal)

5. Sun Prairie (L-D1 state championship)

10. Waunakee (L-D1 state quarterfinal)

12. Verona (L-D1 sectional final)

14. Middleton(L-D1 sectional semifinal)

16. Watertown (L-D1 regional final)

Division 2

3. Jefferson (L-D2 sectional semifinal)

4. Beloit Turner (L-D2 state semifinal)

5. Columbus (L-D2 regional semifinal)

8. Evansville (L-D2 regional semifinal)

15. Prairie du Chien (L-D2 sectional semifinal)

19. River Valley (L-D2 regional final)

Division 3

4. Wisconsin Heights (L-D3 sectional final)

11. Fennimore (L-D3 regional final)

Division 4

2. Ithaca (L-D4 regional final)

5. Pecatonica (L-D4 sectional final)

8. Oakfield (L-D4 state semifinal)

13. Johnson Creek (L-D4 sectional semifinal)

15. Barneveld (L-D4 regional final)

20. Highland (L-D4 regional final)

*all rankings from the Baseball Wisconsin Yearbook and reprinted here with permission. Joe Waite will discuss the Yearbook on The Prep Report Wednesday night at 6pm on The Big 1070.

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